§ 70-104. Purpose.
The purpose of this ordinance is to establish procedures and regulations for the subdivision of land within the legal limits of Prince George County, Virginia, and to accomplish the following objectives:
To achieve the orderly development of land through reasonable standards of design and procedures for subdivision and resubdivision of land; and ensure proper legal description of subdivided land.
To protect and provide for the public health, safety and general welfare.
To guide future growth and development in accordance with the policies of the comprehensive plan, applicable zoning regulations and any other adopted policy documents of the county.
To provide for the orderly extension of public water and sewer, streets, sidewalks and bikeways, stormwater facilities, and other public facility services in a safe, adequate and efficient manner; to secure adequate provision of street lighting, fire and police protection, recreation and educational facilities, and similar county or public services.
To coordinate proposed public facilities and streets in new subdivisions with existing public services in a manner that minimizes adverse effects on adjacent or nearby neighborhoods.
To reduce and prevent air, soil, noise, water pollution, and flooding; to insure appropriate development with regard to natural resources and features and open space which will contribute to the beauty of the community and value of the land.
To promote the economic, social and environmental stability of the community and to protect the character of Prince George County through the encouragement of beneficial and balanced urban and rural development patterns.
To provide assurance that the purchasers of lots are buying a commodity that is suitable for development and use.
To provide for the acceptance of any public rights-of-way and improvements pursuant to Code of Virginia § 15.2-2241, as amended.
(Ord. No. O-09-02, 1-27-2009)
(Ord. No. O-09-02, 1-27-2009)