§ 70-512.2. Size and information required on a preliminary plat.
All preliminary plats shall be either 11 by 17 inches or 24 by 36 inches in size. The agent shall specify the number of copies of each plat to be submitted.
Prior to final approval by the agent, the preliminary plat shall be signed by the owner of the land proposed for subdivision. The signature shall certify that the owner is aware of the requirements imposed by the plat and applicable county codes, and shall further certify that the owner agrees to comply with these requirements, unless modified in accordance with the County Code.
The preliminary plat shall demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the county zoning ordinance and this ordinance. The plat or plan shall show all of the following elements:
Name of the subdivision, with the notation, "preliminary plat."
Name(s) of owner(s) of subdivision.
Name of surveyor or engineer.
Location of proposed subdivision by vicinity map showing adjoining roads, and names of roads.
Adjoining subdivisions.
Tax map number.
Deed references.
True, record or grid north.
Identification of any graves, objects, or structures marking a place of human burial.
Scale of drawing.
Boundary survey.
Total acreage in overall parcel or parcels involved.
Total acreage of subdivided area.
Number of lots.
Area of each lot.
Frontage of each lot.
Purpose of dedication of land for public use, if any.
Area, if any, in common open space, park or public lands.
Names of all existing, platted and proposed streets.
Width of existing, platted and proposed streets.
Location of existing buildings within the boundaries of the tract.
Existing and proposed utility and other easements.
Any sidewalks or bikeways proposed.
Location and names of water courses.
The location of all wetlands, resource protection and resource management areas in accordance with chapter 38, article II of the County Code (Erosion and Sedimentation Control) and chapter 90 (Zoning).
Ownership of contiguous land owned or controlled by the subdivider.
Soil categories.
Underlying zoning.
Notation of requirement of pump-out of on-site sewage treatment systems in Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas every five years.
Notation of requirement for 100% reserve drainfield site for on-site sewage treatment systems in Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas.
Notation of requirement for retention of an undisturbed and vegetated 100-foot wide buffer area in the Resource Protection Area.
Notation of the permissibility of only water dependent facilities or redevelopment in the Resource Protection Area.
A traffic impact analysis (TIA) shall be submitted with the preliminary plat if the TIA is determined to be necessary after consultation with the agent. All TIAs shall be prepared in accordance with VDOT standards.
(Ord. No. 0-09-02, 1-27-2009; 0-09-05, 4-28-2009; Ord. No. O-18-03, § 1, 1-23-2018; Ord. No. O-18-10, § 1, 5-22-2018)
(Ord. No. 0-09-02, 1-27-2009; 0-09-05, 4-28-2009; Ord. No. O-18-03, § 1, 1-23-2018; Ord. No. O-18-10, § 1, 5-22-2018)