§ 90-16. Solar energy facilities.  

Latest version.
  • The following shall apply to all solar energy facilities generally:


    Roof-mounted solar energy facilities shall be exempt from the building height requirements for the zoning district in which they are located. These facilities shall meet the building setback requirements for the structures to which they are affixed.


    Ground-mounted solar energy facilities shall meet the minimum setbacks for principal structures in the zoning districts which they are located.


    All small and large scale solar energy facilities shall meet a minimum 50-foot setback if they adjoin, or are adjacent to, a public right of way or residential property.


    In addition to the requirements for site plans, the following documents and information must be provided for review of large-scale solar energy facilities:


    A narrative identifying the applicant, owner, and operator, and describing the proposed solar energy project, including: an overview of the project and its location, approximate rated capacity of the solar energy project, the approximate number, representative types and footprint of solar equipment to be constructed, and a description of ancillary facilities, if applicable;


    A site plan shall include the following additional information and details:


    Location of substations, electrical cabling from the solar systems to the substations, ancillary equipment, buildings, and structures.


    Fencing and other methods of ensuring public safety.


    Additional information required by the Zoning Administrator may include, but is not limited to: a scaled elevation view and other supporting drawings, photographs of the proposed site, landscaping and screening plan, and such additional information that may be necessary for a technical review of the proposal.


    Documentation of right to use property for the proposed project, to include proof of control over the land or possession of the right to use the land in the manner requested.


    A decommissioning plan, which shall include the following:


    The anticipated life of the project;


    The estimated cost of decommissioning in the future as expressed in current dollars;


    How said estimate was determined;


    The manner in which the project will be decommissioned; and


    The name and physical address of the person or entity responsible for decommissioning.

    (Ord. No. O-17-04, § 1, 4-25-2017)

(Ord. No. O-17-04, § 1, 4-25-2017)