§ 90-101. General description; intent.  

Latest version.
  • Generally, the R-A residential agricultural district covers certain portions of the county now devoted predominantly to various open uses, such as farms and forests, into which residential or other types of development have and can reasonably be expected to expand in the foreseeable future, but where location and timing of public programs will not currently support higher densities. This district is established to permit existing farming operations and related businesses to continue as interim uses while protecting watersheds and conserving water and other natural resources. This district is also established to:


    Help protect property values from the adverse effects of unregulated development;


    Provide for orderly development;


    Discourage the random scattering of residential and commercial uses into the area; and


    Prevent premature urbanization.

    (Code 1988, § 17-516)

(Code 1988, § 17-516)