§ 90-102. Uses and structures permitted by right.  

Latest version.
  • The following uses and structures are permitted by right in the R-A residential agricultural district:


    Agricultural uses involving tilling of the soil, the raising of crops, horticulture, forestry and gardening.


    Detached single-family dwelling on an individual lot.


    On farms of 100 acres or more, two single-family residential structures may be constructed on the same property. When this takes place, the location of the structure shall be such as to permit future subdivision of the land to conform to the provisions of chapter 70 and this chapter. When the second structure is built, it will be considered as one of the residential subdivisions authorized by this subsection. In addition to the setbacks required in this chapter, the placement of houses will be no closer than 100 feet apart.


    Public school.


    Church, church bulletin board, parish house, convent, monastery.


    Park, playground.


    Wildlife preserve, conservation area.


    Home occupations:




    Home occupation child care.


    Volunteer fire or rescue squad.


    General store with business sign.


    Mobile home on farm operation in accordance with requirements for mobile units in section 90-943.


    Mobile home as a temporary use during the period of construction of a conventionally built residence in accordance with requirements for mobile units in section 90-943.


    Mobile home or travel trailer as a temporary use during the period of construction of a commercial, industrial or public structure of development, public facility or public utility in accordance with the requirements for mobile units in section 90-943.


    Offstreet parking as required by this chapter.


    Public utility distribution facilities and temporary structure, with a floor area of 100 square feet or less, used in support thereof for a period of 12 months or less.




    Manufactured houses at least 19 feet in width and placed in a manner which renders the unit no longer transportable. Such units shall either have an enclosed or skirted foundation.


    Temporary outdoor Christmas tree sales and holiday items provided that:


    Sales shall not begin before November 15th and shall be restricted to retail sales of Christmas trees, wreaths, garlands and similar decorative horticultural materials and holiday craft items.


    Any portion of the sales area shall be located in accordance with the minimum side and rear yard setbacks required for the district.


    Sufficient area shall be set aside to provide a minimum of five temporary offstreet parking spaces. If the sales are conducted on the same lot with an existing use, the required minimum and most accessible parking spaces for the existing use shall not be used for Christmas tree sales.


    All Christmas tree products, parked vehicles, signs, trash, debris or other material associated with or resulting from the Christmas tree operation shall be removed no later than January 15.


    Temporary outdoor Virginia legal fireworks sales provided that:


    Sales shall not begin before June 15 and shall be restricted to Virginia legal fireworks sales that meet the local fire code requirements.


    Any portion of the sales area shall be located in accordance with the minimum side and rear yard setbacks required for the district.


    Sufficient area shall be set aside to provide a minimum of five temporary offstreet parking spaces. If the sales are conducted on the same lot with an existing use, the required minimum and most accessible parking spaces for the existing use shall not be used for Virginia legal fireworks sales.


    All Virginia legal fireworks products, parked vehicles, signs, trash or debris or other material associated with or resulting from the Virginia legal fireworks sales shall be removed no later than July 15.

    (Code 1988, § 17-517; Ord. No. O-02-012, 10-22-2002; Ord. No. O-14-16, § 1, 7-22-2014)

(Code 1988, § 17-517; Ord. No. O-02-012, 10-22-2002; Ord. No. O-14-16, § 1, 7-22-2014)