§ 90-494. Requirements for permitted uses.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Before a building permit shall be issued or construction commenced on any permitted use in an M-2 general industrial district or a permit issued for a new use, the plans, in sufficient detail to show the operations and processes, shall be submitted to the zoning administrator for study. The administrator shall, together with his written recommendation, refer these plans to the planning commission for its recommendation. Modifications of the plans may be required.


    Permitted uses shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building or within an area enclosed on all sides by a solid masonry wall, a uniformly painted solid board fence or an evergreen hedge six feet in height. Public utilities and signs requiring natural air circulation, unobstructed view or other technical considerations necessary for proper operation shall be exempt from this subsection. This exception does not include storing of any materials.


    Landscaping may be required within any established or required front setback area. The plans and execution shall take into consideration traffic hazards. Landscaping may be permitted up to a height of three feet and to within 50 feet from the corner of any intersecting streets.


    Sufficient area shall be provided to adequately screen permitted uses from adjacent business and residential districts and for offstreet parking of vehicles incidental to the industry, its employees and clients.


    Automobile graveyards and junkyards in existence on July 1, 1965, are to be considered as nonconforming uses. They shall completely screen, on any side open to view from a public road, the operation or use by a masonry wall, a uniformly painted solid board fence or an evergreen hedge six feet in height.


    The administrator shall act on any application received within 30 days after receiving the application. If formal notice in writing is given to the applicant, the time for action may be extended for a 30-day period. Failure on the part of the administrator to act on the application within the established time limit shall be deemed to constitute approval of the application.

    (Code 1988, § 17-234)

(Code 1988, § 17-234)