§ 90-664. Areas of applicability.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area (CBPA) Overlay District shall apply to all lands identified as a CBPAs as designated by the county and as shown on the Official Preservation Area District Map prepared as a part of the county's Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Program. The CBPA Map together with all explanatory matter thereon, is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this article.


    The resource protection areas shall consist of lands adjacent to water bodies with perennial flow that have an intrinsic water quality value due to the ecological and biological processes they perform or are sensitive to impacts which may cause significant degradation to the quality of state waters. In their natural condition, these lands provide for the removal, reduction or assimilation of sediments, nutrients and potentially harmful or toxic substances in runoff entering the bay and its tributaries, and minimize the adverse effects of human activities on state waters and aquatic resources. The resource protection area includes:


    Tidal wetlands;


    Nontidal wetlands connected by surface flow and contiguous to tidal wetlands or water bodies with perennial flow;


    Tidal shores;


    A vegetated buffer area not less than 100 feet in width located adjacent to and landward of the components listed in subsections (a) through (d) above, and along both sides of any water body with perennial flow.


    Resource management areas shall include land types that, if improperly used or developed, have potential for causing significant water quality degradation or for diminishing the functional value of the resource protection area. The resource management area shall be provided contiguous to the entire inland boundary of the resource protection area, and shall consist of an area 150 feet in width, or an area composed of any of the following land categories, whichever is larger:




    Highly erodible soils, including steep slopes defined as those greater than 15 percent;


    Highly permeable soils;


    Nontidal wetlands not included in the resource protection area.


    The CBPA Overlay District Map shows only the general location of CBPAs and should be consulted by persons contemplating activities within the county prior to engaging in a regulated activity. The specific location of RPAs on a lot or parcel shall be delineated on each site or parcel as required under section 90-669 through the review and approval of the plan of development process or as required under section 90-671 through the review and approval of a water quality impact assessment.


    Portions of resource protection areas and resource management areas designated by the county as intensely developed areas shall serve as redevelopment areas. Areas so designated shall comply with all erosion and sediment control requirements and the performance standards for redevelopment in section 90-667 (Performance standards).


    If the boundaries of a Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area include only a portion of a lot, parcel, or development project, the entire lot, parcel, or development project shall comply with the requirements of the overlay district. The division of property shall not constitute an exemption from this requirement.

    (Ord. of 8-10-2004, § 17-534)

(Ord. of 8-10-2004, § 17-534)