§ 90-826.3. Requirements for exterior storage and dumpster enclosures.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any exterior area used for storage or other similar use that is visible from a public right-of-way shall be screened with a buffer yard, screening and/or plantings and shall be provided in a manner which screens the use from view.


    All commercial and industrial use types shall screen from surrounding views all articles and materials being stored, maintained, repaired, processed, erected, fabricated, dismantled or salvaged on premises.


    All dumpsters for recycling and refuge storage shall be screened on all sides by an opaque enclosure that should match the building and has a minimum height of six feet and nothing should exceed the height of the enclosure area. If adjacent to residential units or hotel rooms, there shall be a sign posted on the gate that indicates: "No servicing before 6:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m."


    Areas set aside for recycling and refuge storage collection should be conveniently located and shall be screened from view from adjacent properties and rights-of-way. Dumpsters and bins must be accessible to service trucks at all times and may not be blocked by parking spaces.


    Where any area is used for an active outdoor recreational use, such as a playground, tennis courts, a swimming pool, or other similar land use is located within a residential district, such use shall be screened from any adjoining residences with buffer yards, screening and/or plantings.

    (Ord. No. O-14-24, 10-28-2014)

(Ord. No. O-14-24, 10-28-2014)