§ 90-826.9. Site lighting requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All exterior site lighting fixtures shall be designed, located and arranged so as not to direct glare on adjoining roads or residential properties. All exterior fixtures shall be shielded or designed so that light is directed towards the ground and so it does not interfere with motorists' vision.


    No freestanding light fixtures shall exceed 35 feet in height above grade, except for publicly owned fixtures and where possible, the light fixtures may be limited to 20 feet in height above grade.


    Lighting intensity at the property line shall not exceed one footcandle and shall limit the amount of light pollution adjacent to any federal property where night training activities are conducted for Department of Defense security purposes.


    A lighting plan shall be submitted for site plan approval providing the location of the light fixtures in relation to the proposed landscaping trees to avoid future lighting conflicts at the time of planting maturity.

    (Ord. No. O-14-24, 10-28-2014)

    Editor's note— See editor's note to § 90-826.6.

(Ord. No. O-14-24, 10-28-2014)

Editor's note

See editor's note to § 90-826.6.