§ 90-1033. Sanitary landfills.  

Latest version.
  • The following minimum requirements must be observed in the establishment, operation and maintenance of a sanitary landfill:


    M-2 general industrial and M-3 heavy industrial districts. Sanitary landfills are permitted by a special exception in M-2 and M-3 districts only in conjunction with the reclamation of land.


    Health, sanitation and environmental codes, rules and regulations. The health, sanitation and environmental codes, rules and regulations of the department of health, state water control board and state air pollution control board, the commonwealth and the county applicable to such facilities must be observed. A statement from agencies of the state identified in this subsection must be submitted, addressing such matters as health hazards, water pollution and air pollution about the proposed site and operation.


    External traffic. The external highway traffic plan and entrances and exits to such facilities shall be approved by the state department of transportation.


    Screening. The site must be screened from all property lines.


    Life, materials, use of facility. A statement which estimates the time of usage, materials to be used, condition of land upon completion of the fill and future use of the land must be attached to the site plan.


    Ground cover. All areas not occupied by structures, driveways, walkways, parking areas, active fill areas and other authorized installations shall be covered with one or more of the following:




    Natural shrubbery;


    Plants; or




    Bond. A cash bond, in an amount determined by the board of supervisors, must be posted by the applicant to ensure reclamation.


    Site plan review and implementation. The applicant must propose and submit to the commission for its approval a site plan. The site plan must be clearly drawn to a scale of 200 feet to one inch and must show the following:


    The proposed title of the project and the names of the developer and person responsible for its preparation.


    Existing zoning and zoning district boundaries.


    A certified plat of the boundaries of the property involved; county boundaries; the general location, dimension, width, grade and treatment of all existent easements and existing roads; the general location of all buildings or waterways; major tree masses; and other existing physical features in or adjoining the project.


    Topography of the project area, both existing and proposed, with contour intervals of two feet or less.


    The approximate location and sizes of sanitary sewers, water mains, water storage facilities, disposal areas, and other underground structures, existing and planned, in or near the project.


    The general location, dimensions, width, proposed grades, treatment and character of construction of proposed internal driveways, parking areas, entrances and exits, outdoor lighting systems, storm drainage on and off the site, water service and sanitation facilities (dump stations, restrooms, etc.).


    The general location of proposed setback lines, rights-of-way and easements.


    Location with respect to each other and to lot lines and approximate height of all proposed buildings and structures, accessory and main, or major excavations.


    Preliminary plans and elevations of the various buildings and structures and sight lines from highways and existing residences.


    A landscaping plan indicating location, height, and material of all existing and proposed fences, walls, screen planting, landscaping and buffer strips (which shall be not less than 50 feet in depth).


    General location, character, size and height and orientation of proposed signs.


    A tabulation of the total number of acres in the project and the percentage thereof proposed to be devoted to the various uses, i.e., landfill area, parking, driveways, open space, and other reservations.


    Land use, both existing and potential, on the periphery of the project area must be identified.


    A vicinity map showing the relation of the proposed use to other uses in the vicinity.


    Drawings of the proposed exterior elevation and plans of all buildings and an outline of specifications of the proposed architectural treatments for those exteriors, including an architectural perspective drawing of the project as it will appear from its principal road frontage.


    Proposed plans for sedimentation control during construction and for stormwater drainage during operation.


    A statement of intent to comply with the minimum requirements and performance standards in this chapter and signed by the owner of the proposed development or, in the case of a governmental agency or a corporation, an officer thereof or its authorized agent.

    (Code 1988, § 17-398)

    State Law reference— Air pollution control board, Code of Virginia, § 10.1-1300 et seq.; Virginia Waste Management Act, Code of Virginia, § 10.1-1400 et seq.; State Water Control Law, Code of Virginia, § 62.1-44.2 et seq.

(Code 1988, § 17-398)

State law reference

Air pollution control board, Code of Virginia, § 10.1-1300 et seq.; Virginia Waste Management Act, Code of Virginia, § 10.1-1400 et seq.; State Water Control Law, Code of Virginia, § 62.1-44.2 et seq.